A few days ago was Mozilla's 15 birthday. Not bad for a company that deals in Open Source software. As a celebration, Mozilla volunteers shared their story with the #webstory tag on twitter. Considering I'm not a big twitter guy, I think a blog post will do.

My first interaction with Mozilla was through Firefox. I was a user since version 1, or even earlier if my memory serves me right. By 2008, when I started university I was already a tried and tested user. However, I had no idea of what Mozilla actually stood for. I then attended a presentation by +Alina Mierlus and +Toni Hermoso Pulido about the Mozilla community and I was hooked. It became my community with the values I supported. Soon enough I started hosting events, became a Mozilla Rep and a small contributor.

My hope is that it won't end here. I have big plans to support Mozilla until the end. I know of no other company that does so much to fight for its users' rights. And I see only good things in Mozilla's future. Stay tuned for more.

Check out 15 awesome Mozilla facts: http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/contribute/